Casual Conversation About Our BDSM And Porn. No Sex In This Video. , watch free porn video, HD XXX at

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dela_lola 3 years ago
Great to hear both of your perspectives on your relation to darkness, bdsm and autonomy in sexuality. its funny how in relation to other similar porn your videos have more 'concerned' reactions. Looking forward what work you will be making in the future as pornographers. Also a tip for nuanced research on bdsm, pornography and race in US is The Color of Kink by Ariane Cruz, never thought I'd recommend this on an actual porn site xD Keep it fucked up freaky deeky dark.
BabbbyyGurrrrllll 3 years ago
This is the first time I've heard a Dom thoughtfully and articulately talk about their darkness and drive. This is not from a lack of asking on my part. I want to know more. This is also the first example of a loving D/s relationship I've seen that is similar to the kind of relationship I've been wanting. My experience on the sidelines - and dabbling a little in- the kink 'scene', and just patriarchy in general had me wondering if it was just an unrealistic pipe dream. Perhaps not. Thank you.
4 years ago
I appreciate you
BabyyGGuurrrrl 3 years ago
This is awesome. You are awesome. Thanks for sharing.